Hunting and slaying all day long

Here’s what I finished most recently; five old Hunter-Slayers ready to scout for their Tyranid masters. I really love these models and sadly they were only sculpted in two different versions. The malevolent intelligence conveyed in their faces along with the alien physiognomy is simply splendid. They look very much akin to the proto-Tyranids depicted  in the Rogue Trader rulebook which only adds to their general coolness.

Originally the Citadel staff gave these chaps a darkish red colour with bright yellow markings. I was never a big fan of that colour scheme and decided to go with an emulation of this big, beautiful fella who you undoubtedly have seen before.

Before I started working on my Hunter-Slayers I thought the paint job would be quickly finished but they ended up taking me forever. Well, sometimes the most simple things can take surprisingly long time.

I hope you like them. Any thoughts?


Gretchin scumbags

Here’s a few gretchins a recently finished. They mostly early member of the Rogue Trader family, but one the one with two gun is fairly recent. I really like look and pose of this one but hate the cartoony guns and had planned to do a quick conversion. Then it dawned on me that his hands of course are equally big in order to hold the guns and all of the sudden I also had to find a fitting set hands for him which in the end made me drop the whole thing and paint the chap as he is. Lazy me, I know!

Well, there’s not much to say about the paint job. I tried to make them diverse or non-uniform, but Wex turned out rather bright – almost neon – earning him the nickname “sporty”, for the nylon he clearly is wearing.

The whole gang saw battle last Monday as they participated on an attack on Maggie’s Farm. They ended up fleeing miserably after only a few turns of action and the whole thing is thus best forgotten.


I’ll be back soon with more SF stuff.


A damn deal done…

It’s been a while but hopefully I will be having a bit more time to post about the stuff that I have been and will be doing in the near future. In this little battle report we are going to the rough planet of Kenwah which is the setting for the Rogue Trader scenarios we play.

The backstory for this game was as follows; in a previous battle the happy-go-lucky scoundrel Conrad Moon and his gang were taken prisoners by Izwahrians – the race of reptilians that originally were the dominant species on Kenwah. Instead of killing Moon and his bandits the Izwahrian commander Erzah had uses for his prisoners. He was in need of some sort of middleman to exchange an old izwahrian religious artifact, stolen a long time ago, for money. The stolen figurine had somehow come into the possession of the exiled Izwahrian Warzi – a sought criminal who so far had escaped the law.

It was now the job of Conrad Moon and one of his gang members to carry the money to the rendezvous with Warzi, get the figurine and stall the exchange in order for the Izwahrians to ambush Warzi and his armed escort to capture both the figurine and Warzi. However, things went wrong and unsurprisingly a fierce battle ensued. Moon grabbed the figurine and started running for his life, while the Izwahrians charged out from their hiding place and Warzi’s hired hands started to shoot at everything moving. During the game Conrad Moon and his short-lived fellow ganger Kenman High were NPC’s

Here’s how it went down.


The battle took place in the outskirts of Hunger City, the main town on Kenwah, in an abandoned industrial complex.

The battle took place in the outskirts of Hunger City, the main town on Kenwah, in an abandoned industrial complex.

Izwahrians and their "sniffer lizard" ready themselves to charge Warzi and his goons

Izwahrians and their “sniffer lizard” ready themselves to charge Warzi and his goons

More Izwahrians hide in the bushed with member from Conrad Moon's gang bound and gagged on the ground

More Izwahrians hide in the bushed with member from Conrad Moon’s gang bound and gagged on the ground

Conrad Moon and Kenman High starting to run away just after having received the figurine.

Conrad Moon and Kenman High starting to run away just after having received the figurine.

The izwarhrians charge out of their hiding place to capture Conrad Moon fleeing with the figurine as well as killing Warzi.

The izwarhrians charge out of their hiding place to capture Conrad Moon fleeing with the figurine as well as killing Warzi.

Catherine Wheel and Julee Jinx - members of a brat gang hired by Warzi - watch the izwahrians approach.

Catherine Wheel and Julee Jinx – members of a brat gang hired by Warzi – watch the izwahrians approach.

Conrad Moon running for his life with the stolen figurine

Conrad Moon running for his life with the stolen figurine

The Pearl sisters who made the exchange on the bridge with Conrad Moon

The Pearl sisters who made the exchange on the bridge with Conrad Moon

As soon as Conrad Moon and Kenman High started running the Pearl sisters fired their laspistols and immediately downed Kenman while Moon luckily escaped the shots

As soon as Conrad Moon and Kenman High started running the Pearl sisters fired their laspistols and immediately downed Kenman while Moon luckily escaped the shots

The pointing commander Erzah ordered his troops to fan out

The pointing commander Erzah ordered his troops to fan out

Warzi the man in hiding

Warzi the man in hiding

Max Murder - yet another brat ganger - hiding from the izwahrians

Max Murder – yet another brat ganger – hiding from the izwahrians

Jeff Paler stormed forward to meet the approaching izwahrians with the Pearl sisters above him running after Conrad Moon

Jeff Paler stormed forward to meet the approaching izwahrians with the Pearl sisters above him running after Conrad Moon

Conrad Moon still running

Conrad Moon still running

Carefully Catherine Wheel attempted to hit one of the izwahrians

Carefully Catherine Wheel attempted to hit one of the izwahrians



Mik Manekro and Quell again

Mik Manekro and Quell again

Izwahrians looking for revenge

Izwahrians looking for revenge

Mik Manekro firing at the sniffer lizard or Dragon Newt

Mik Manekro firing at the sniffer lizard or Dragon Newt with the fleeing Warzi in the background

Jeff Paler firing a a space lizard

Jeff Paler firing at a space lizard


Warzi fleeing for his life now

Warzi fleeing for his life now

Commander Erzah eyeing Conrad Moon

Commander Erzah eyeing Conrad Moon


Catherine Wheel still lurking near the izwahrians

Brave Catherine Wheel still lurking near the izwahrians

Conrad Moon creeping up close to the corpse of Julee Jinx

Conrad Moon creeping up close to the corpse of Julee Jinx to arm himself with her laspistol


A standoff between Catherine Wheel and Liwarh – second-in-command in the izwahrian group. Sadly Catherine caught a bullet between the eyes.

A standoff between Catherine Wheel and Liwarh – second-in-command in the izwahrian group. Sadly Catherine caught a bullet between the eyes.

Warzi attempting to dodge the sniffer lizard

Warzi attempting to dodge the sniffer lizard

Jeff Paler aiming

Jeff Paler aiming

Kimmy seeking to revenge the death of her sister

Kimmy seeking to revenge the death of her sister

Conrad hiding in the bushes

Conrad hiding in the bushes


On the run again

On the run again – now without the figurine

Kimmy Pearl

Kimmy Pearl

Death and destruction all around

Death and destruction all around

Still running and dodging

Warzi still running and dodging

Cool cat Mik Manekro - goth-brat ganger

Cool cat Mik Manekro – goth-brat ganger

Conrad Moon just before he was shot down and killed from behind

Conrad Moon just before he was shot down and killed from behind

Warzi on the run

Warzi on the run

Cathing up the the last of Warzi's gang

Cathing up the the last of Warzi’s gang

Game over

Game over

Roadblock Bloodshed

It is time to show some signs of life again on this blog. Things have been a bit busy here in Copenhagen lately but I recently had a chance to play a game of Rogue Trader with my goods friends Claus and Anders. The back-story was the following. Dr. Leo Powder (a genestealer hybrid magus) and his cult were discovered by the authorities of Hunger City and a military unit was sent in to clear out the cult-scum and all their off-spring. However they failed to capture Dr. Powder and his closest hybrid allies who by the help of their brood succeeded in fleeing from Hunger City. Cult members jumped into cars and six of the sacred pure strain genestealers were packed into the back of a truck and off they went. The army was in hot pursuit of the cultists who decided to take a detour into the desert in order to improve their chances of escape. This they should never have done because Dr. Powder and his brood headed straight into the territory of the ork ganger Jerzman da Nazdy who not only was unwilling to let the vehicles pass, he was also very interested in capturing the cars and particularly the truck – although he did not know what it was carrying.

In the battle we played, Dr. Powder and his cult had just arrived in front of the ork territory. They objective of the cult was to get passed the orks with as many vehicles, hybrids and genestealers alive as possible. Jezman and the orks on the other hand had to prevent this.

The game was a blast. Cars and bikes raced around on the table, boltguns cracked and genestealers crawled through the bushes ambushing orks. In the end the orks succeeded in stopping the cult but it was a close call and almost all of the orks had been killed when the last of the brood was finished.

Well, here you see some random snapshots from the game taken by Claus (the victorious ork player). I will try to upload som epictures of the minis and cars from the game soon.













By the way  - the cotton is ectoplasmic mist created with great effect by Dr. Leo Powder

By the way – the cotton is ectoplasmic mist created with great effect by Dr. Leo Powder
















Constant war for constant soldiers


Here’s a little WIP pictures of what is currently on my workbench; six wonderful beaky space marines. I simply love these miniatures. I still need to finish the backpacks and the bases but the rest is more or less done. I call them the Angst Brothers and for the time being I plan to paint all my marines as belong to this little group of mercenary soldiers. The name and colours I nicked from this Rogue Trader commercial.


It’s very dark here in Copenhagen at the moment and the quality of the pictures suffers accordingly but hopefully you can get some sense of how the marines look.


Rogue Trader has not made an appearance of this blog previously but this is going to change as I’m planning to actually get some of my RT lead painted this spring. I’m also working on some miniatures for the Orc’s Drift campaign, but once those are done I’ll dedicate painting time to miniatures from the grim, far future.






